Replace Your Windows Server

Replace those virus infected Windows Servers with our Open Source Servers

Windows ServerBusiness owners are complaining about their Windows Servers being infected with viruses and constantly coming under attack by Cyber Criminals. There is another option today’s business owners should consider. Replace those expensive Windows servers with our Open Source Servers. Our Servers are the same server technology Amazon uses to protect their customers and vendor’s transactions. Why shouldn’t you consider changing out your servers with our servers. Sounds expensive, but it really is not.

We offer a free on-site consultation to determine if your company would be a good candidate for our server technology. Don’t hesitant to give us a call and we will be right over to assess your situation. Not only will we examine your servers, we will also look at your workstations, phone systems and recommend a high speed WIFI solution for your company.

Many companies are faced with offering WIFI that works. More and more people are using cell phones, tablets and wireless laptops these days. Let us show you the solutions we have to offer to get you into today’s WIFI technologies. You have probably experienced very bad WIFI connections at your work place and in public areas. Our WIFI systems are solid and offer the most advanced capabilities in today’s market. No more dead spots or slow connections.

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